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Citroen C4 Timing Chains Available Here. A timing chain is a critical engine component that synchronises camshaft and crankshaft rotation and timing chains are alternatives to the timing belt or cambelt, which are made of different materials and are not interchangeable. The timing chain coordinates the intake and exhaust valve operation, ensuring they open and close at precise intervals. This regulates fuel intake and exhaust release, optimising internal combustion so you can drive at the desired driving speed.Timing chain replacement intervals depend on mileage, not age, and this varies per vehicle, timing chains are typically replaced between 60,000 to 100,000 miles. Watch for early signs of timing chain wear by paying attention to rattling noises from your engine, engine misfire, metal in oil (found during oil change), and engine warning lights on the dashboard. Timing chain replacement cost is typically between €80 - €150 for parts and labour can incur additional costs. Find superior quality timing chain kits from Gates, Hutchinson and more on MicksGarage.com Shop timing chains Ireland.