

Screenwash Available here. Screenwash is a specially formulated detergent used to clean the windscreen and ensure clear visibility while driving. A good screenwash helps the wiper blades remove dirt, grime, and road debris that can obstruct your view. When purchasing a screenwash, it is important to look for a product that is effective in your climate: some screen washes are designed to work in extreme temperatures, preventing freezing in winter or providing a streak-free finish in warmer weather. It should also be noted that screenwashes can come either as concentrate, which means they have to be diluted before use, or ready to use (they are already diluted). The price of a concentrated screenwash per litre is normally higher than that of a diluted one. Always check the label for concentration levels and any added features, such as anti-fog properties or added wax for enhanced protection. The best known brands for screenwash are Autoglym, Prestone, Holts and Nextzett. Keeping your screenwash topped up helps ensure safe driving and a clearer view of the road ahead. Shop Screenwash Ireland