Our clay bars are designed to effortlessly restore the factory smooth finish to paint finishes. They have received critical acclaim in the detailing industry for being the most durable, cost effective and well-designed clay-bars available today.
Auto Express magazine, a giant in the car magazine world, has awarded Auto-Clay with their Best Clay Bar Award every year for the last five! Also, they compared the clay-cloths to clay-bars in one recent test, where they concluded that bars were better, and that Auto-Clay was the pick of the bunch once again!
So which clay bar do you need?
The choice between the Auto-Clay bars will depend on several factors:
Regular β
If the vehicle is heavily contaminated, has never been clay-barred before, or itβs hot summertime then use Regular. All clay bars become firmer when cold and softer when warm.
Medium β
For paintwork that is in a reasonable condition, Medium will be preferred.
The easier folding of the clay to expose a fresh working surface will be very beneficial.
Soft β
If paint is in good condition, if you like to clay your vehicle frequently or indeed if the weather is cold, then use Soft.
How To Use
Before using auto-clay thoroughly wash your car to remove any loose dirt. Direct sunlight should not fall on your carβs surface, and itβs best if the work area is relatively cool, but not cold.
To use Auto-Clay spray water with a plant mister on a small area of your car and rub the bar back and forth with light pressure. Auto-Clay should glide across your paint, keep the paint surface wetted thoroughly. Auto-Clay must not be used dry. Listen carefully β at first you will hear the bar as it pulls the particles away from the paint, the noise and friction will disappear quickly.
After a few passes with Auto-Clay, rub your fingers over the area to feel if the surface contamination was removed. Keep rubbing until all contamination is gone. Finally, wipe the clay residue off with a soft terrycloth towel. Just like when waxing, work in small areas.
What you should see coming off of the car and depositing itself on the Auto-Clay bar is a reddish-brown residue, this is what you want to see. As the clay bar becomes soiled, simply fold it over squash it out and keep going. Under no circumstances should the clay bar be used if dropped on the ground, inside or out! The clay bar is good for about four or five cleans on the average-sized car. Once the paint is clean, wax your car immediately.