PETEX Warning Triangle - E marked to 27R Standard
EURO Warning Triangle - officially tested and approved
A warning triangle should always be carried for safety reasons.They are the best alternative to warn other motorists of breakdowns and accidents and to secure accident sites as first responders. The reflective materials and red signal colors ensure that other road users can be quickly alerted to dangerous situations. Packed in a plastic case, this warning triangle can be conveniently stowed away in the car and set up in seconds.
Recognize dangerous situations and secure accident sites. The setting up of a warning triangle is crucial not only for your own safety but also for all other road users. To draw attention to a stationary vehicle or dangerous situations, is essential to prevent accidents..
Highly reflective, even at night and fog
Packed in a plastic case: 44 x 5.5 x 3.5 cm
Suitable for holders in modern cars