You've finished your lacar project and you've amassed a fairly decent pile of "Junk" car parts, and here in lies the conundrum - what to do with them? Believe it or not, how we choose to discard our used car parts is becoming a bit of a problem. Strictly speaking, disused car parts are supposed to go to specific recycling centers, or a dedicated scrap yard to get a date with the crusher or the smelter. However it's all too convenient and common for us to throw our car parts into the general waste, even though we know we shouldn't. This is a real issue though, oceans are even filling up with the stuff (yes, people really do dump car parts into the ocean), which is causing some pretty serious marine and environmental problems. In recent years, sperm whales have washed ashore in Germany with a whole heap of unnatural crap in their stomach, including car engine covers.
While there's good awareness around how to properly dispose of batteries and plastics, metal car parts disposal can often get overlooked, but there is one fabulous thing you can do with your old car parts. Upcycle them (seriously!). Car parts can be repurposed to make some seriously cool garage, home and garden items and there is definitely a market out there full of willing buyers for this stuff.
We've put together some of the best deas for what to do with old car parts for you to make a real "wow" statement in your home... or you might get inspired and start up a really cool upcycling business! So think twice before you bin that gearbox - take a look at our deadly suggestions and consider giving one a try, you'll definitely be doing your bit for the environment if you do.
A Car Tyre Sink complete with Petrol Pump Tap and a Gearbox Sink
An Engine Block Wine Rack / Bar
Repurposing Older Car Headlamps as home lights
Coil spring and shock absorber stools and truck coil spring stools
Upcycled car seats
Car part table and car part clock - nice!
Car tyre lights
Car tyre garden furniture and a wheel coffee table
Tyre planters for the garden - genius!
Car seat couch and a nice car seat armchair
Crankshaft lamp and a wheel hub coffee table with LED strip lights and a wooden border - very nicely done!
Car tyre thread table and a coil spring lamp
Got any better ideas on how to make use of old car parts? Get in touch with us - we really want to see them!